Complaints Procedure

The doctors and staff at this practice are committed to providing high quality health care and services to patients.  This explains how you can comment, compliment or complain about the service you have received.

 If you wish to comment or compliment our services please write or speak to the Operations Manager at the practice.

 As part of the NHS system, we operate a Practice complaints procedure which meets the national criteria.

 How to complain

 It is best to tell a member of staff about any concerns or problems as soon as they arise and they will try to sort them out.  If your problem cannot be sorted out in this way, and you wish to make a complaint, please let us have the details. The sooner we look into this matter the easier it will be to look into what happened. You can make a complaint verbally, in writing or by email. If you make your complaint verbally a record of your complaint will be made and you will be provided with a written copy. Complaints should normally be made within 12 months of an incident or of the matter coming to your attention. This time limit can be extended provided you have good reasons for not making the complaint sooner and it is possible to complete a fair investigation.

 Complaints should be made verbally or in writing and addressed to the Operations Manager, who is responsible for handling complaints.

 We will acknowledge your complaint in writing within 3 working days of receipt.

There is no set timeframe to resolve a complaint as it will depend on the nature of the complaint but if the response/decision is delayed you will be kept informed.

 It helps us if you can give us as full details as possible about your complaint.

 We will look into your complaint to:-

  • Find out what happened and whether something went wrong
  • Invite you to discuss the problem, if you would like this
  • Apologise where this is appropriate
  • Identify how we can make sure the problem does not happen again

 Where you can get assistance

 If you would like independent advice or support about your complaint, the following organisations may be able to help:-

 ·         Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) – 0344 4771171 or visit

·         Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA) – 0845 1232352 or visit

·         Patient Advice and Liaison Services (PALS) – 01737 768511 (East Surrey Hospital)

·         NHS England  0300 311 22 33

·         Surrey County Council for social care enquiries – 0300 470 9100

Who can complain?

Anyone who is receiving a service or has received a service can complain. You can complain for yourself or for someone else. We may need to disclose information from the patient’s medical records. If you complain for a friend or relative you must have their written consent to represent them unless they are incapable of providing this. If the patient has died or lacks capacity we will need proof that you are an appropriate person as determined by law.

What to do next if you are still unhappy

If you are not satisfied with the way we have dealt with your complaint you can make a request for an independent review by contacting the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, Millbank Tower, Millbank, London SW1P 4QP. Telephone enquiries 0345 015 4033 (fax 0300 061 4000).

Email: or

Please remember

  • All complaints are treated in the strictest confidence
  • Making a complaint will not affect your treatment or care